Our History
We trace our roots to 1981, when Congress designated seven Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities across the country to provide health care to military beneficiaries in those areas.
US Family Health Plan of Southern New England is a TRICARE Prime option funded by the Department of Defense.
We provide the full TRICARE Prime benefit, including doctor visits, hospitalizations, emergency care, and prescription medications. We’re different from regular TRICARE Prime in that our members receive care through a large network of civilian doctors and hospitals. We also provide extras like chiropractic care and discounts on acupuncture, gyms, and eyewear.
We’re available to families of active-duty service members and to retired service members and their families in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and parts of southern New Hampshire and northern Connecticut.
Active-duty families pay no enrollment fee, no deductible, and no co-pays (except for some prescriptions). Everyone else pays a modest annual enrollment fee.
We trace our roots to 1981, when Congress designated seven Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities across the country to provide health care to military beneficiaries in those areas.
Your Primary Care Provider is the hub of your medical care. Our Member Services department helps you, too.
We couldn’t be prouder of our 99 percent rating for Member Satisfaction.